
Showing posts from March, 2021

3/25/21: Four Powers Spread

 From Modern Witch Tarot book: 1. The Path: where are you called to tread? King of Pentacles 2. What Lies Across: the obstacle. The Fool 3. To Know: what will be learned or how your knowledge is best applied. Death 4. To Dare: in what way you will need to go beyond yourself and express courage. 4 of Cups. 5. To Will: where should you place your focus and intent. how will you need to express determination? The Emperor 5. To Keep Silent: in what way will you need to have restraint. King of Wands I am moving--have been moving--towards financial security, my goals of having a meaningful life/work/vocation, setting strong foundations for myself to flourish for the long term. Be the master of my domain (king of pentacles/super capricorn energy). But I'm also in a moment/place/time where I'm moving into the unknown, trying to find a literal home from afar (The Fool). This moment / time / period I am in, is about culling what is not essential about my relationships, about projects that...

3/17/21 Spread

  Burned out, emotionally and physically exhausted. 3 questions I asked of the cards: 1. What do I need to focus my energy on right now? Page of Swords Bringing forth new ideas, searching to communicate clearly and cut through the bullshit. I imagine this card speaks to focus on writing and doing projects that are in my own voice / for my own work, not to focus on projects that are just in support of others' agendas. Garner strength to develop and put forth my own narrative voice.  2. What do I need to let go of, to do this work? Three of Swords Grief, heartbreak, fear of past failures repeating themselves. In professional / personal life, both have been very fraught when it comes to my writing practice and confidence in my work. Even if I wasn't supported in the past with doing this work, history doesn't have to repeat itself. I don't have to go it alone or feel/be so unsupported anymore. 3. What energy/mentality/support do I need to call in, to continue this work? The...

3/12/21: New Moon in Pisces

Spread taken from this website  1. As I am right now Where am I right now in my life. What is happening that I know or don’t know  Four of Wands: new relationship? romance? opening new doors and possibilities - in the heart or with other desires [based on image on card only- a couple under bouquets of flowers looking into one another's eyes lovingly]. Keywords: reunion, success, pride, happy, family New opportunities, a time of growth and success.  2. Blockage from growth What do I need to release or let go of in order to move forward and grow. What no longer serves me. Six of Wands- woman on horse holding spear, looking off to the left. Warrior Princess: Being solo energy and going it alone? Thinking I will always have to fight battles for/by myself without a team or partner to fight alongside me? Keywords: victory, praise, achievements, rewards, fame Biddy tarot suggests: be proud of my achievements, don't shy away from them or from the spotlight. It doesn't s...

Sunday 3/7/21: 3 card spread and 3/8/21 Portal Workshop: The Chariot

High Priestess Devil Chariot Intuition / best self, higher or more evolved self (High Priestess) at war with Devil (bad habits, negative self-talk, giving into worst tendencies because it feels the easiest). Chariot is asking to evolve beyond these polarities, of feeling like you have to be perfect or that you will fail. Moving to the next stage- "envisioning evolution," how will you show up in the world in a new way? (Dr. K). Ready to transform into something new, an integration of knowledge and experience gained from practicing and yes sometimes failing. Letting go of desire to control everything-- be able to move into a different stage and learn how to trust self as I continue on my journey.  -- 3/8/21 The Chariot Figure w/ animals/horses-- tapping into that wild energy and harnessing it Asking us to reflect on and potentially question what we've historically believed are markers of success for ourselves vs. what are the actual markers of success for ourselves. - what ...

3/3 Five Card Spread with New Tarot Deck: Tarot of the Divine

  Five card spread, not thinking of any question in particular but I have been working all day so likely big picture/book project/ long-term work on my mind (surprise). Present / Near Past / Near Future = Nine of Wands / Five of Coins / Four of Coins I'm tired/fatigued from hustling and overwork. Recent past was being outside/at very margins of academia just trying to make a living and get projects going while being really demoralized and feeling really alone in a lot of ways. Even now when conditions are much better, I am still holding on/hoarding with that fear of instability and insecurity (four of coins) that I can let go of now.  Unseen forces / Possible future = The World / King of Wands This is the second World card I've pulled in three days (one card pull on Monday). I can and should remember that I am not alone, I am being supported by people and circumstances. I can and do have community and others I am supporting/that support me. This is not a solo endeavor, but a m...