3/25/21: Four Powers Spread

From Modern Witch Tarot book: 1. The Path: where are you called to tread? King of Pentacles 2. What Lies Across: the obstacle. The Fool 3. To Know: what will be learned or how your knowledge is best applied. Death 4. To Dare: in what way you will need to go beyond yourself and express courage. 4 of Cups. 5. To Will: where should you place your focus and intent. how will you need to express determination? The Emperor 5. To Keep Silent: in what way will you need to have restraint. King of Wands I am moving--have been moving--towards financial security, my goals of having a meaningful life/work/vocation, setting strong foundations for myself to flourish for the long term. Be the master of my domain (king of pentacles/super capricorn energy). But I'm also in a moment/place/time where I'm moving into the unknown, trying to find a literal home from afar (The Fool). This moment / time / period I am in, is about culling what is not essential about my relationships, about projects that...