Sunday 3/7/21: 3 card spread and 3/8/21 Portal Workshop: The Chariot

High Priestess



Intuition / best self, higher or more evolved self (High Priestess) at war with Devil (bad habits, negative self-talk, giving into worst tendencies because it feels the easiest). Chariot is asking to evolve beyond these polarities, of feeling like you have to be perfect or that you will fail. Moving to the next stage- "envisioning evolution," how will you show up in the world in a new way? (Dr. K). Ready to transform into something new, an integration of knowledge and experience gained from practicing and yes sometimes failing. Letting go of desire to control everything-- be able to move into a different stage and learn how to trust self as I continue on my journey. 


3/8/21 The Chariot

Figure w/ animals/horses-- tapping into that wild energy and harnessing it

Asking us to reflect on and potentially question what we've historically believed are markers of success for ourselves vs. what are the actual markers of success for ourselves. - what we are looking for many times is the feeling that it gives us (do you really want promotion or do you want more money/respect/a job better in alignment with what you do)

What would it look like to shift from what do i want to do in my life vs. what do i want to be in my life? how do want to show up in the world? shifting from external to internal validation

What is one thing that you dream of being able to do in your life?

Create a meaningful body of written + visual work, that shifts people's perceptions about an issue/place and which challenges me to create connections between different sides of my brain. Having that work live in the world and move through the world, to have further conversations and connections with others.

In order to do that, who do you need to be? what kind of qualities would your future self need to have in order to make your dream come true? 

I think my future self's qualities to execute this well would be patience, and diligence in realizing the project- not expecting a quick turnaround. I am already this person now who can make this work, but need more practice with some of the basic mechanical/ technical skills as well as the time necessary to begin to execute the vision.

What are some examples of how you already exhibit these qualities?

I am already trying to take initiative by moving forward with photography, and taking on different kinds of writing. I've already shifted my writing/curation/practice to align more with my passions and interests, and can keep doing so. I am already working on projects in the short, medium, and long term that will hopefully get me towards at least part of achieving this dream.

What would you need to let go of in order to become this person?

I need to let go of fear of failure or of not being good enough/talented enough. I need to give up pride and be more vulnerable with myself and with others to talk more about my desires/drive to do this work, so I can ask for help and for assistance in realizing it. 


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