Exercise: Notice the 4 Elements in Tarot Deck

Deck using: Circo Tarot

mountains (Fool, Hermit, Temperance, World, Two of Wands, Eight of Wands, Ten of Wands, Seven of Cups, Page of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, King of Pentacles)
branches/ leaves (Magician, Ace of Wands, Five of Pentacles)
flowers (Empress, Death, Star, Sun, Ace of Knives, Four of Wands, Six of Wands, Two of Cups, Six of Cups, Queen of Pentacles)
thorns (Ace of Knives)
wheat (Empress)
skulls (Emperor)
dirt/soil (Death)
plants (Tower)
coyote (Moon, Five of Wands)
cacti / desert (Moon, Seven of Knives, Seven of Cups)
forest/trees (Eight of Wands, Six of Cups)
vines (Ace of Pentacles)

clouds (Fool, Hanged Woman, World, Two of Wands, Four of Cups)
smoke (Tower)
sword (Magician, Justice)
birds (Nine of Pentacles)

sun  (Fool, Sun, Four of Cups)
lion (Strength)
Fire/Smoke (Tower, World)
Lightning (Tower)
staff/wand (Fool, Emperor, Two of Wands)
snake (Seven of Cups, Seven of Pentacles)

Waves (Temperance, Star, World, Two of Wands, Three of Wands, Seven of Wands, Two of Pentacles)
Beach/waves (Tower, Moon, Five of Knives)
Cup (Magician, Temperance)
Underwater/fish (Six of Knives, Page of Cups, Knight of Cups)
Salamander (King of Wands)
Seahorse (Seven of Cups)
Seashell (Queen of Cups)
Mermaid (King of Cups)


Pick a card where there is "extra element" and write about what additional layers of meaning it imparts to the card

The Six of Knives card shows a woman swimming upwards, from the darker depths below (where there is fish) towards the light. She has a swimsuit on, with a mesh bag on her shoulder with three knives in it, and she might be reaching towards three other knives floating near her. This looks to be a woman coming out of the darkness of emotional lows/grief, trying to pull herself and her ideas together - moving towards mental clarity through some physical / bodily exertion. She appears peaceful (facial expression) but this could also be hard won. This is both an emotional journey of moving on (water) as well as a mental journey of growth (air).

- yay I'm not off base here! Little Red Tarot reading of the card

The Three of Wands shows a woman (back turned away from us), holding a trapeze bar with one hand, about to launch off over a cliff edge/towards the waves. If she lets go or loses grip of the next bar, she might go crashing into the water or crash into side of cliff- very precarious position full of risk. But if she is brave she can go further than she thought possible. This speaks to me of needing to conquer the emotional hangups that keep us from taking our ideas / passions forward. We might be afraid of being engulfed, but we need to overcome if we want to get the next big prize. We are ready to go!

- Little Red Tarot speaks of this as the card that encourages you to take next step, after preparation and thinking of the 2's.

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