3/25/21: Four Powers Spread

 From Modern Witch Tarot book:

1. The Path: where are you called to tread? King of Pentacles

2. What Lies Across: the obstacle. The Fool

3. To Know: what will be learned or how your knowledge is best applied. Death

4. To Dare: in what way you will need to go beyond yourself and express courage. 4 of Cups.

5. To Will: where should you place your focus and intent. how will you need to express determination? The Emperor

5. To Keep Silent: in what way will you need to have restraint. King of Wands

I am moving--have been moving--towards financial security, my goals of having a meaningful life/work/vocation, setting strong foundations for myself to flourish for the long term. Be the master of my domain (king of pentacles/super capricorn energy). But I'm also in a moment/place/time where I'm moving into the unknown, trying to find a literal home from afar (The Fool). This moment / time / period I am in, is about culling what is not essential about my relationships, about projects that no longer fit or suit my interests, and just letting go of previous expectations about how life should be. I have been here before (2013) and I can do this again. I have already lived many lives, so I also need to remember what I know! Four of Cups is miserly, feels isolated and protective and alone. I need to express courage that this fool's leap isn't totally unsupported, and I should remember that I can/should reach out for help when I need it. I might not be able to find an apartment or make the cross-country move all by myself-- and others would be willing to help me, within reason. The Emperor is very obvious- this card placement is about telling myself I can boss up and be The Emperor/ in control on my own terms. I think staying on the course and not spiraling out, taking the long view of where I want to be and how I want to get there, are good reminders of the collective work that needs to be done. King of Wands might be the reminder that impatience, expecting quick results is something I tend to push for but which isn't entirely realistic at this moment. I need to remember I am still ahead of the game and that I'll be alright. 


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