3/17/21 Spread


Burned out, emotionally and physically exhausted. 3 questions I asked of the cards:

1. What do I need to focus my energy on right now? Page of Swords

Bringing forth new ideas, searching to communicate clearly and cut through the bullshit. I imagine this card speaks to focus on writing and doing projects that are in my own voice / for my own work, not to focus on projects that are just in support of others' agendas. Garner strength to develop and put forth my own narrative voice. 

2. What do I need to let go of, to do this work? Three of Swords

Grief, heartbreak, fear of past failures repeating themselves. In professional / personal life, both have been very fraught when it comes to my writing practice and confidence in my work. Even if I wasn't supported in the past with doing this work, history doesn't have to repeat itself. I don't have to go it alone or feel/be so unsupported anymore.

3. What energy/mentality/support do I need to call in, to continue this work? The Fool

Take the leap, approach this period with a beginner's mind. Seek to learn from this process even as I am working on sharing my own knowledge out with others. Have fun during the process of writing and of sharing/giving talks or presentations. Find some pleasure in doing this work. 


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