Pyramid Spread

The Assens-Flournoy Pyramid Spread 

Q: What is going on with my relationship?

0: X Wheel of Fortune
It feels circular, indeterminate. We keep ending up where we started. What is still unresolved?

10: III The Empress
I want to be seen as special / I want to be special or adored as one. I also believe I have the power to change the situation if I can just control my heart and model a different way of being. But it's not working. What do I need to do instead?

3: VII The Chariot
Go my own way- on my own path. I have new places to go and other paths to forge. I am a badass bitch and can't be held back any more! What keeps me here then?

7: I The Magician
A belief in transformation, in things somehow magically changing? What do I really want?

1: II The High Priestess
Knowledge of myself. Mastery of my logic and emotions, somehow. A better understanding of how to integrate my personal life with my work life, even if this balance with this person doesn't serve me. How can I make a change, to start moving forward?

2: XVII The Star
Be gentle with myself and don't try to speed ahead. This is a difficult time and it's ok if I don't have the answers now. Maybe I need to do some inner work and healing work first before cutting things off cold. Is that what I even really want to do, or am I just trying to protect myself?

17: XIII Death
Ok girl. Stop playing around. You know it's time to cut this cord and let go. There isn't a way to grow without pruning the dead branches. It's time. How can I do this in the kindest and gentlest way?

13: XX Judgement
We all know a reckoning is coming. Speaking clearly to air out the truth is better than running away and hiding from it. The question is when, how?

20: XIX The Sun
With love, on a sunny day. Not in the middle of a fight, but when I feel open and actually am in a loving place to be able to speak with kindness. Will he react well, or even care about this conversation?

19: XVI The Tower
There isn't ever a good way to break up. This will be rough in any scenario, even the best case scenario. How can I prepare myself, mentally and emotionally, for this moment?

16: IV The Emperor
Hold it together. Be logical about this- what you already know to be true, what the limitations of this relationship have been, are, will be. You already know what you need to know, and accepting that, rationally, is the best way to begin moving on. When should I go?

4: XII The Hanged Man
It goes back to this indeterminacy. This is a pandemic. There is just so much uncertainty with everything. It feels hard to know when makes sense to leave. It could be right now. It could be months from now. Will I get any sign, will he tell me himself?

12: 0 The Fool
Wait and see, girl. Wait and see.

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