New Deck Interview: Star Spinner Tarot

1. Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic? King of Swords/Knives

King of Swords=embodiment of intellectual authority. Can be detached, cuts to the quick of a matter with no hesitation. Can give "fair" answers, clarity on decision making.

2. What are your strengths as a deck? Eight of Coins/Pentacles

Eights of coins is bout setting up foundations for long-lasting work. This deck might help me to do that. This deck can help me understand what I need to pay most attention to, give the most amount of detail/effort to.

3. What are your limits as a deck? Seven of Coins/Pentacles

May not be helpful if I am indecided/burned out. I need clarity in order to ask the right questions of myself and of the deck. Might also be that deck does not lend itself to "restful" readings, might always drive me to take the path associated with work/progress/forward movement.

4. What are you here to teach me? Seven of Wands

"Under siege" card- a card for the battle, and the fighting spirit. Deck might help me realize I have power and am right in situations of injustice. Activist's card. Can help me check my direction in conflict, and strategize for short- and long-term battles. How to rise to meet challenges.

5. How can I best learn and collaborate with you? Death

Be ready to get readings that emphasize what needs to be cut away so that new things can grow. Can work with this deck to facilitate deep transformation. If this deck is good for ideas/work, then Death card signals this deck can help reveal what is no longer serving me and my work.

6. What is the potential outcome of our working relationship? Four of Swords/Knives

Four of knives is about rest after / in preparation for the battle. Even as this deck might help me push forward in my battles, and find direction in what I need to put my efforts and attention into- this might help me figure out what battles to drop and what to stop working on / what isn't working. This ultimately might give me some mental and physical space so I can actually balance work/play and be able to take some rest.

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