3/3 Five Card Spread with New Tarot Deck: Tarot of the Divine


Five card spread, not thinking of any question in particular but I have been working all day so likely big picture/book project/ long-term work on my mind (surprise).

Present / Near Past / Near Future = Nine of Wands / Five of Coins / Four of Coins

I'm tired/fatigued from hustling and overwork. Recent past was being outside/at very margins of academia just trying to make a living and get projects going while being really demoralized and feeling really alone in a lot of ways. Even now when conditions are much better, I am still holding on/hoarding with that fear of instability and insecurity (four of coins) that I can let go of now. 

Unseen forces / Possible future = The World / King of Wands

This is the second World card I've pulled in three days (one card pull on Monday). I can and should remember that I am not alone, I am being supported by people and circumstances. I can and do have community and others I am supporting/that support me. This is not a solo endeavor, but a mutual endeavor. Harnessing that collective energy, I can step into leadership and visionary roles, with plenty of support and guidance. I don't need to hoard knowledge or resources for myself, but I can think expansively to share them out for the benefit of all of us. 


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