V-Day / Lunar New Year weekend post


I don't frequently pull these cards, or at least not since I've been blogging about tarot.

I read this as:

Four of Wands- things seeming like they're coming together, setting foundations and a good basis for work/home life. But with Five of Wands it appears that there is some strife in the immediate present- feeling protective of self and of project(s)? Am I just fighting myself or are there others in the midst that are creeping up/predatory that I need to be aware of? Seven of Cups in near future shows multiple options before me, but also illusion/ false choices. It is reminding me to choose to do something meaningful and with purpose, not just for wealth/simple gain. 

Need to be careful about next steps/directions. Is this about personal or professional matters, or both? I feel like it could be about either. Discernment is the key word/idea I am taking from this reading. Borrowing from High Priestess and Empress archetypes from last 2 weeks of Portal class, I need to remember to trust / seek my intuition and to be able to experience joy and pleasure without guilty feelings. Lean into caring for myself and looking out for my own well being, even if others don't have my well-being in mind. 


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