2021 Annual Spread


January: King of Swords

Channel this King's energy: mastery of ideas, maybe a bit detached (be careful not to be so detached). Now is the time to set goals and a longer term vision for the year. Affirmation: I know my goal and I know what I am working towards. Each goal is just a milestone on the way to my ultimate destination.

February: Six of Cups

Giving/receiving love. Being open to love is good. Pleasure. Affirmation: I am now open to a partner with whom I can share the joys of love on all levels.

March: Five of Pentacles (yikes)

Coming in from the cold / needing shelter in material or metaphorical senses. Call in those who can help support- don't need to go through things alone. This is card of worry, things breaking apart. When you've drawn this card, you now have an opportunity to free yourself from situations by initiating necessary discussions with others or yourself. Affirmation: I am straightening out my life. [breakup?]

April: Ace of Pentacles

Start of a new cycle, new endeavors related to career/money/stability and security. Long term plans, not a quick thing. Ready to embrace fullness and making life richer. Affirmation: Wealth is my natural condition. It allows me to express my spirituality and creative potential in this world.

May: Judgement (yikes)

Be careful this month. What is coming into fruition, what karmic retribution is there for things I've done (good and bad). Accountability. One last hurdle of coming into new state of being. Standing at a crossroads- will you remain still or move forward? Are you ready to face yourself? Are you ready to love yourself? Put forgiveness of self and others into practice. Lay down the old baggage and go. [final move to EC; letting go completely]

June: King of Pentacles

Control the coins- be mindful and prudent. Make decisions logically, not just based on whim. Harvest time- to do the hard tasks and move into action. Affirmation: With every task that comes my way, comes also the energy needed to accomplish it. 

July: Ten of Cups

House? Everything joyful and overflowing bounty. Happiness here! Satiety. Affirmation: Live gives me all I need to be happy.

August: Ten of Wands (yikes)

Burdens- many of them. Need to remember that I can lay some of them down. It doesn't all need to be carried by me alone. Oppression.This card is an invitation to recognize and end own oppression and restriction of your impulses. Affirmation: I have the right to follow my feelings and life-impulses.

September: The Moon

Time to go a bit inward. Make preparations for the next big thing. Affirmation: It's always darkest just before the dawn.

October: The Chariot

Go for it! Active energy, mobility and change. Embrace the warrior moving forward. Affirmation: I am putting my life in order and preparing for the new beginning.

November: Eight of Cups (yikes)
Walking away from something / leaving past behind. With every step forward you need to leave some things behind that no longer serve you. There is power in saying NO.

December: Nine of Cups

Happiness. Take stock of what you've got, be satisfied with progress. Remember not to rest on laurels or to take things for granted. But I can rest knowing I've done what I can. Affirmation: Happiness is my natural condition.

2021: Ten of Pentacles

- Getting that home, foundations for lasting prosperity and security. You have attracted to you everyone who is a part of your life. You have created every situation in your life, and you create your own reality. The wealth in your hands is your own to do with what you like. The responsibility is yours, and you are endlessly wealthy! Affirmation: I am internally and externally rich, and free, and enjoy everything, thankfully and in surrender. 


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