New [Connection] Spread

Spread from amyenergy on IG 

L to R top row:

Energy of person coming in: King of Cups. This is very nice, supportive energy. Balanced head/heart energy. Emotionally solid or trying to be. (gurl don't get your hopes up but this sounds nice. 

What they are looking for in this connection: The Magician. This is a powerful major arcana card about alchemy and transformation, manifestation. Is this the energy that I am actually bringing into this- projection, wanting magic to happen (LOL)? Again, don't want to project motive onto anybody else but I can say that this is the kind of thing I would like in a relationship, not necessarily with this person I had in mind while shuffling, but generally in life. 

What are they bringing with them: Five of Wands. Uh, yikes. Does this mean they are a conflicted person within themselves and/or have recently come out of a relationship that was full of strife and/or is unresolved? If I try to read this positively, it could be that they are working on themselves to try to exorcise their own relational/personal demons and actively looking for change/transformation. A more fearful interpretation I might put on this is that this person, once the veneer is down, can't manage conflict well.

L to R bottom row:

Highest potential of this connection: Queen of Cups. As friend, lover, and/or partner this relationship has potential to be mutually caring and supportive. I know in a romantic relationship I would like to better be able to support my person in their goals, desires, dreams and would want to be cared for in the same way. Again, not assuming any romantic outcome of this, but it would be nice to have someone to share ideas with and to learn from/with in a mutually supportive way.

Any blockages or hurdles to be aware of: Justice. Stay balanced. Be fair in judgments/assessments of the other person. Don't expect everything to be equal all the time but try to work towards parity as much as possible.

Advice from our future self: The Hierophant. I don't know how to read this card in the context of this spread. One site considers Hierophant in love readings as related to convention, spirituality, and/or not wanting to break taboos. Does this mean that if a partnership results in some way, that it will either 1) be conventional, and or 2) stretch my ideas and practices of what a relationship could be? Another meaning of Hierophant card is around researching ancestry/genealogy, and connecting with spirituality. So does that mean a relationship of any kind that could emerge would help one or both of us do those things? I guess advice from future self is murky to me right now because I haven't learned what I needed to learn in order to understand this card. No way out but through. 


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