2022 Annual Spread


Questions and thoughts as I was shuffling: this is a milestone year (40). I want to find a lasting love, a strong partner. I want to feel more settled and know what I want, feel clear about my goals and what I am working towards (personal, professional, health and money). 

January: The Lovers
Don't want to read too literally but it could be a good month to meet a new person or deepen ties to someone I already know. This could also be about trying to find / achieve better balance between the different parts of myself- rest/play, work life/personal life, work for others/work for myself. 

February: The Devil
It's easy to see how I could burn out quickly (since I'm already beginning the new year so tired) and fall back on bad habits, or feel like I'm not making progress fast enough. There could be a lot of temptations out there- from smoking to sex to eating too much to working as a way of dissociation. This card is a gentle but firm reminder to keep it moving and to draw on good (not bad) coping mechanisms.

March: Six of Cups
This is a card that re-appeared from last year (Feb). Last year I read it as a reminder of giving/receiving and affirmation of pleasure. Perhaps this year I can reflect on how I can be a resource to others, and also receive kindness from others as well. Try not to isolate myself and practice as best as possible modes of caring relation. 

April: Three of Cups
This is a card of joyful celebration with loved ones/chosen family. Maybe there will be something specific to celebrate (belated bday celebrations? vacation?), or maybe again it's a reminder that I am not alone even if I feel like I might be at times.

May: King of Swords
This is a repeat too from 2021 (January). This is a rise and grind card. A boss b get it done with words kind of card. I will definitely be traveling to do crits and other visiting writing gigs. So perhaps this is a reminder to be fierce but also kind, to not cut down others (MFA students) with my words.

June: The Fool
This card makes me feel both scared and optimistic. What is the new situation/scenario I should open myself up to and take a leap with? Is it a romantic relationship? Is it work-related? Is it a reminder to just get the book going already? 

July: Strength
Leo card for beginning of Leo season. Keep it moving, keep it pushing. Hold on and get it done.

August: Nine of Cups
Got this card in December 2021 as well. It is a card of satisfaction and some joy/release. I plan on being in Seattle for at least two weeks so that is something nice to look forward to.

September: Seven of Coins
I had to look this card up."The Seven of Coins represents the desire for a good harvest, though it may require a sacrifice." When is it better to be patient and when must one scrap everything to start fresh? Meanings upright: reward, perseverance, decisions, investment, fruition

October: The Moon
Got this in September 2021. Go within. 

November: Page of Coins
Another one to look up. "The Page of Coins welcomes the beginning of spring and summer, a fresh start, the end of darkness. Beaivi-nieida represents hope, setting up solid foundations, and mental wellness. She is grounded and anticipates the bright future." Upright: setting goals, loyalty, positivity, opportunities, manifestation.

December: Queen of Wands
This is strong energy to end out the year with. This femme is powerful and strong but also soft. She steers the ship, literally. 

2022: Four of Wands
"The Four of Wands represents rejoicing and festivities. A well-deserved celebration and a stable time to be thankful, cherishing loved ones." Upright: reunion, success, pride, happiness, family

Reflection: this reading is overwhelmingly positive, with the exception of the Devil card (but even that can be read positively). It seems like half of the cards feature more than one character (community, lovers, family), and half are solo cards. 3 cups, 2 coins, 2 wands, five Major Arcana cards.  This seems like a balanced reading, hopefully meaning that I will have some balance this year, maybe nothing shocking will happen and that's a good thing- I can really try to ground myself in some routines and also hopefully make better connections - community connections, heart / love connections, - in this coming year, without sacrificing myself and my sovereignty in the process. 


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