February 8, 2021
This week's Portal lesson was on the Magician and learning to trust our intuition. So I asked my cards this week if there's anything I should pay more attention to/ might need to lean on my intuition more about this coming week(s).
I don't know what to make of this spread necessarily. I am rusty with this deck in particular.
7 of Wands: Nearing the end of one cycle. I closed the exhibition today and am on the beginning stages of lots of different projects, and new classes as well. I feel like this figure trying to decide where to step next, and also trying to stay above water and not fall in! I don't feel like this card is precarious/dangerous, but rather there are a lot of choices and I need to somehow find footing/balance in the midst of all this movement and shift.
Knight of Knives: Swift actions/impulsiveness. Coupled with the Fool, is this suggesting I should move fastest towards the thing(s) I am feeling most called to do right now? Or is it warning me not to just jump off into a new direction without looking? I think it's the former, because of the presence of the Fool card in the future (third) position.
Fool: The Fool is about inviting myself to take a leap of faith; or to jump into the unknown. One big project is wrapping up, in a particular way at least. It's time to convert the energy of this cycle into new projects and actions. I want to use this time to move where I am called - especially with the writing and ideation of the next longer-term projects. I feel called to write and to synthesize what I've learned / been learning into a more cohesive written output. This is the time to let go of fear about that and to start really doing it. Take the leap.