December 2020 Monthly Spread: Checking Direction

 Horseshoe Spread 

1. Recent Past: Four of Pentacles
2. Present: Ten of Wands
3. Immediate Future: The Emperor
4. My attitude: The Lovers
5. Other Factors: The Hanged One
6. Obstacle: Page of Cups
7. Likely Outcome: Four of Swords

Once again, the card symbolizing my attitude/where I am is The Lovers. This goes back to larger themes of being in better relationship: with others and with myself. I really want to find some balance. And also really hone into what it is that I love... move towards that rather than put it off until later. 

Four of Pentacles I don't feel that I draw a lot. A young woman sitting on a throne (like a mini emperor in training?) balancing coins on her head and in her hands, as she pins two others down. Cityscape behind her. Some of the same energy as the Emperor but perhaps more in development/on its way. Little Red Tarot reads this card as about one or two different things: perhaps a warning that we've been too greedy/materialistic, but could also be about setting boundaries, protecting what is ours. I can see how I've done both in the last month.

Ten of Wands very much feels like my present. I am tired, burdened. There is a lot to juggle and I don't have focus or energy to complete any of it. I want to rest a bit and let these different pieces go. What can I let go of that I no longer need to worry about?

The Emperor signals to me that perhaps I buckle down and take back some (self) control of the situation, through logic and maybe some detachment- just grinding down and getting to work. Could still be a warning that I need to soften up a bit and not be so hard on others or myself to get ahead. 

The Hanged One feels very 2020. So much uncertainty and necessarily I need to better go with the flow. Can't hold on so tightly to everything because it all could change in an instant. It also might be time to take a pause and reflect rather than move straight to doing the next thing. 

Obstacle as Page of Cups: does this mean I am going to be very distracted once this semester is over, and that matters of fun, love, heart will take precedence over work, duties, responsibilities to others? Read over Biddy tarot to check, and my initial reading not quite right. Page of Cups about new possibilties/ responsibilities / inspiration. There will an unexpected shift that's felicitous ( hope. 

Outcome: Four of Swords. I need to LIE THE F DOWN. Regain perspective, get some distance and rest from all the things spinning in my head. I can get in control but it doesn't need to be at expense of mental health. 

Bonus: Creatures of the Moon reading for Waning Moon One (today): Freedom


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