9/9/20 spread


Three card spread, no real question in mind but thinking about this coming year and different projects, the show of course, and just getting it together, in general. 

Knight of Swords and Wands: lots of quick moving energy. From ideas to action, things are moving fast (thinking here of the show, especially). The first Knight of Swords is charging ahead, hasty it seems but also do they know where they're going, do they just rush through and cut down their obstacles without worrying if they'll crash? Knight of Wands looks a bit more purposeful, with some direction, ready to go into battle but also a bit calmer energy, less frenetic than the Swords. Maybe there is some growth/change/pause that's happening now, even as things speed along. 

Empress is always a good and grounding sign. A reminder to challenge that boss energy and be in control. Don't let emotions get away from me, and keep it looking cute and classy. Also about being in touch with nature and with others- self care and care for others. Stay connected even while rushing through life-- we need to be with others now, more than ever. 


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