Week Ahead: August 3-10
1. My week as a whole: Page of Pentacles
Learning, putting in the work towards new (material/life) endeavor. New job prep and moving forward/learning how to re-start the exhibition. Learning how to be on a routine that is productive and serves me.
2. Something unexpected that will arise: 1 of Knives
Needing to take a stand/stand my ground. Being fiery in speech/action. Saying yes/setting boundaries/saying no to something else.
3. How I can stay grounded and balanced: Wheel of Fortune
Remember that the only constant is change. I can't control everything, even if I want to or try to.
4. Important emotion I will feel this week: Seven of Pentacles
Need to rest, take a break from the work. Consider where I can best invest my time and resources for the long-term, not just for right now.
5. Something that will inspire me: Three of Cups
Community, collectivity, chosen family. Femme / queer connection!
6. How my spirit guides speak to me this week: Six of Pentacles
Where can I be more generous? How can I share my wealth/gifts with others? Where do I need support and help? How can I give and receive not out of fear, but freely? (Look for signs/messages around this)
7. How to best support myself this week: The Devil
Hm... consider what I am enthralled by that isn't healthy or serving greater good. Break free of any dependencies or bad habits that will halt other kinds of growth, healing, and progress. Also remember that work is just work, and to not be a slave to it. Take time to recharge and to rest!
Spread from Emerald Lotus Divination site