The Fool's Journey

The Fool begins her journey meeting The Magician. From the magician she learns about communing powerfully with the natural world, and drawing on relationships to nature and the earth to build relationships with self. Meeting the Magician is a reminder that there is beauty and things unknown in the world- things that cannot be explained by logic/rules.

The Fool then meets The High Priestess, who is more reserved. From the openness of the Magician, we go to the more withdrawn or wary High Priestess, who advises one to intuit your own knowledge, balanced by outside knowledge. She can be a bit black and white at times, but tries to find fairness and balance of knowledge.

The Empress is a formidable figure, who shows the Fool what growing up into Femme power can really look like. The Empress takes no shit, but rules with love.

The Emperor is intimidating too, with a hard-set face and a colder demeanor. From the Emperor the Fool learns how to set hard boundaries, to be cold or closed when necessary so as to maintain control and to protect oneself.

Encountering The Hierophant, The Fool sees the power that knowledge and mastery of books/learning can bring. The Hierophant is a shadow boss, using secret symbols as well as other "validated" kinds of knowledge to lead others.

The Lovers are together and apart, always. They are in tune with each other, and with nature/the world. From the Lovers comes the will to knowledge and the drive to create new from two into one.

On the road alone, The Chariot makes the fool's journey speed up- but towards what? There are guides alongside the chariot but they can easily be run over if you're not looking.

Strength is a channeling of some of that unbridled Chariot energy. She walks more slowly, with purpose, accompanied by her loyal companion/familiar. Strength is stoic, poised, in no need to rush because her journey is for the long haul.

After some time journeying, The Fool needs to become The Hermit. She needs to put away her books, close the windows and retreat with herself, to integrate what she's seen and learned so far. This might be a melancholy moment, but this rest and time away is needed to grow and to continue.

The Wheel of Fortune comes next- and the Fool is presented with some choices. What will she do, according to chance or according to hard decisions? Anything can happen, it seems, so the Fool must make choices wisely. Will she use her heart or her head?

Justice  is the outcome of the choices made. Hopefully The Fool has made good decisions, or Justice will course correct, whether you want to or not. In not a harsh way, the Justice is a warning that the Fool needs to check their direction before they go off track.

The Hanged One is what happens if you haven't really chosen wisely, or refused to make a choice- you are suspended between states, or in an intermediary state. This could be a good moment to choose a path or make a choice if you haven't already, because at some point you will fall out of that tree.

Death is the forced transformation that comes whether you want it or not- maybe you've not made a choice, and fall out of that tree! Or are shot out of the tree. Death reminds that there is sun on the horizon, but the Fool must shed their attachments and what they know first.

Temperance is the Fool reborn, trying to balance all sides. If they were faced with tough decisions and struggled before, now they want to integrate all elements. This might bring them some peace after the pain of Death.

All good plans go to waste, sometimes. The Devil appears when The Fool is tired of playing it safe, and leans into her bad habits and things that shackle her down. She is bargaining, trying to have it all, but you can't stay here forever- can you?

The Tower is where it all comes crashing down. Pushed too far out of balance, it all disintegrates, sometimes violently. There is nowhere else to go, no other direction to move, except from the ground up. You have no choice now but to rebuild because there is nothing left.

The Star is the gentle reminder, when you've finally opened your eyes from crashing to the ground, that there is something bigger than you out there, that the earth will hold you and care for you if you let her. Time moves slowly here, but there is life, and some renewal.

With The Moon, the Fool can begin to commune with others again and howlllll. The Moon is a reconnection with femme spirit and power, individually and collectively, as part of this reintegration phase.

The Sun is a celebratory sign! You are buoyed, carried by nature and by others. After tribulations and pain, you have emerged reborn, young again, and ready to charge off to new places!

Judgment awakes the dead. If the Sun cannot raise everyone, then Judgment calls the rest up, ready to repent and renew themselves with some guidance and help. We all can't make it out of trials ready to party- there are sometimes moments we need a strong hand outside ourselves.

The World is the completion of this Fool's Journey. She is wiser, she is with all elements, she is such a boss bitch she doesn't even need clothes to be regal and in control. Boss bitch status, and the Fool's Journey begins again.


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