September checking direction: Horseshoe Spread

Spread from here (again)

1. Recent Past: The Moon
2. Present: Eight of Cups
3. Immediate Future: Ten of Wands
4. My attitude: The Lovers
5. Other Factors: The Fool
6. Obstacle: Knight of Cups
7. Likely Outcome: Queen of Swords

Wow. The card I pulled for me/my attitude this month, The Lovers, is the card I pulled for my 2020 annual spread to symbolize this month too. It's been on my mind since the beginning of the year- what about September would be coming to fruition, joining of all parts of myself (my life/my work/my projects). This year has certainly not gone the way I planned, any of it. Here we are.

The recent past is Moon: introspection, some internal wildness and searching with not full clarity even of what it is I want. This day, August 31 is my last day "officially" as a non-tenure track person. I can leave this painful era behind (Eight of Cups) and move into a new unknown (The Fool). There are many challenges ahead, just even in the next two weeks so many deadlines and new responsibilities are converging (Ten of Wands). I need to remind myself to let go of what doesn't serve me, and to not be a martyr to the work! Rest, remember that.

What does the Knight of Cups as the obstacle mean? I don't often pull this card, I think. I never seem to remember what this Knight is about. Feelings? Capturing them? Following my heart- do I need to do more of that this month OR do I need to not get too carried away by initial feelings that are fleeting and mercurial- and stay true to the course? [Reading more about Knight of Cups- it's probably the latter. Don't stay in my feelz too long!]

Queen of Swords is the likely outcome. She is one of my favorite queens, and I do want to challenge that bad bitch energy. Keep it focused, keep it fierce. Get it done. This month and always.


I notice a lot of water and a lot of air in the imagery. Mountains too, in the distance. Lots of rivers to forge / cross, with rocky terrain behind but the path doesn't seem too burdened unless of my own making (Ten of Wands). These women are all moving, towards a direction. Except for Queen of Swords who possesses power and wields it from her seat, others come to her. This is a journey, and I am working towards more mastery of self and working towards goals- it's again just a moment to pause and be grateful for how far I've come, and be ready for how much farther I want to go.


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