New deck interview spread: Modern Witch Tarot
1. Tell me about yourself- what is your most important characteristic? Ace of Swords
new projects / ideas. starting new endeavors - cutting to the quick. beginnings rather than endings- to check in about where i am going at the start of a journey
2. What are your strengths as a deck? 9 of Swords
can this help me parse out what decisions/fears are based on old anxieties and triggers? Versus what is real, an actual problem or issue. Separating out feelings from reality.
3. What are your limits as a deck? Eights of Swords
Like any deck, I read what I want to read out of the deck. If I"m not clear, then the reading isn't clear.
4. What are you here to teach me? Queen of Cups
That it's ok to have feelings? That I can be passionate about my work and things I put my time into - my projects and ideas could and should be guided by love
5. How can I best learn and collaborate with you? Knight of Pentacles
Follow the signs. This is a card of putting nose to grindstone- can be helpful to setting direction to know where to put the work in.
6. What is the potential outcome of our working relationship? Five of Swords
Get better at choosing my battles, picking myself up again after defeats. Be able to better pick my battles and not rush headlong at them.