Checking direction: Horseshoe spread

Borrowing from Lady Tarot's horseshoe spread, I pulled these cards when asking about my current path/worries with work (writing, exhibition, classes) that feel overwhelming:

Beginning with card 4 (4 of Swords): I am burned the F out! It's hard to focus or see situation clearly because I am just in it.

1. Recent Past: 4 of Wands
2. Present: 10 of Pentacles
3. Immediate Future: The Hierophant
4. My attitude: 4 of Swords
5. Other Factors: 10 of Wands
6. Obstacle: 7 of Pentacles
7. Likely Outcome: King of Wands

Reading this holistically, I can narrate the story that in the past (even up to this spring), I've been working and hustling to build stability and a career/life for myself that is secure (4 of Wands) and where I can grow new opportunities. This current moment should be one of reaping the rewards and letting them in (10 of Pentacles), but it feels impossible to see/do that because I am so burned out (4 of Swords, 10 of Wands). The upcoming stress of school and new structures (Hierophant) might also be occluding my view right now. I absolutely need a real break and time to rest (7 of Pentacles), but there might not be time to do it, or I am not making the time because I am too anxious to let go. I know I will come out on top of this situation and get things I need done (King of Wands), but at what cost to my mental and physical health?

Repeated numbers: 4 (stability, grounding- searching for this), 10 (completion of one phase and beginning of another). Taken from this numerology guide!

Advice to self: appreciate how far I've come, let myself relax for a moment and move out of crisis mode. Things are hard right now for everyone, as a society, but I do not need to beat myself up for having a hard time or for being successful at this moment. I can be of more service and use to myself and others if I can take a break, reflect and rejuvenate, and return to the work with a better, more balanced perspective.
