Challenging "Good" and "Bad" Cards

The Devil is the most challenging card for me- it looks dark, evil because it is. The chains that bind the two humans/demons looks heavy. It shows bondage and lack of freedom.

This energy of chaos might be good to indulge in sometimes when you need to just not give a fuck. Might it not be a good escape at times? Or... this could be a good thing in recognizing you DON'T want to dissociate through vices, and change course before you get into this bondage situation.

Strength is one of my favorite cards because she seems content with herself. She doesn't need to stare back at you, she knows her worth and that she is worth admiring and looking at without even trying.

A negative aspect of this card might be that you are distracted/looking away/not seeing what you need to see. You might also need to acknowledge your power is never from you alone- you always have help (the lion) and others you rely on!


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