Weekly Reading 2: The Four Elements

This spread looks at the 4 elements of a situation. Need to begin by thinking of a situation you're in the moment: new job and career opportunities / finally the opportunity to write the book 

1. My Situation at the moment: King of Cups 

I am in a place of (perceived) mastery- I've gotten what I think I wanted, what I believe will give me work/life balance and which will fulfill my personal / emotional goals as well as professional goals I've set for myself.

Positive reading: I'm emotionally "sorted," calm in crisis
Negative: I'm emotionally walled off, too rigid, not willing to be vulnerable

2. The Earth of the situation: How is this affecting me physically? What's happening with my home life here, my relationship to my body, what physical needs are being expressed here? How about my relationship to work and money?

4 of Cups: I'm not fully present or in my body. I might be getting what I want but I don't fully see it. I've not been listening or in tune with my body. Maybe I've gotten what I wanted (professionally) but it's not what I want anymore- looking away or elsewhere, to other things. Head/heart split. Feeling "stuck."

3. The Water of the situation: How is this affecting me emotionally? How am I feeling- or how do I want to feel? What am I not dealing with? What is the overall vibe here?

3 of Knives: the heartbreak card. Yeah, ok. Obviously have been avoiding the inevitable dissolution of relationship. Not really trying to deal with that now, it doesn't feel like there's a good solution at the moment so I'm not dealing with it overtly but it's manifesting anyway, in other places.

4. The Air of this situation: How is my head doing? What am I thinking, saying, communicating? What is my relationship to truth, justice? Is there a clear plan here, a strategy?

Death: I want transformation and change- for my life, for the planet. I am vocal about this (even if not fully living it in practice. I believe we need another way of living for all of us to survive, and my mind is set on realizing that goal in my work/with my book. In this, I feel clear.

5. The Fire of this situation: How is this affecting my spirit? Where do my ideals and desires come into this? What about my ego- how is my sense of identity playing into this? 

The Hanged Woman: of multiple minds, in between places. I am getting what I want (sort of), and losing a lot (sort of). Hard to feel fully joyful about new job, or to feel too sad about letting go of past life/work/relationships. Indeterminate all around- still waiting and seeing what unfolds.

What is this reading telling me overall: I cannot say. Perhaps I need to just be aware of these dynamics at play within myself and be present for them. Not try to solve or fix things right now because there is too much uncertainty, but to keep moving forwards. Perhaps be mindful of how to begin grounding myself in my body, at least, so I can be more attuned to my intuition and inner sight.

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