Weekly Reading 1: Find Out About Yourself as a Tarot Reader

1. About you in general: what is your most important characteristic?
Death: someone who is letting go of old patterns/in an active moment of transformation and growth, shedding skin. Someone who has lived many lives in this one life. One cycle of life has ended, and I'm entering into another one.
2. What strengths do you already have as a tarot reader, what are you bringing to this course?
The World: I can see bigger patterns, bigger picture or connections. I try to balance different elements/ qualities of earth, fire, air, and water. Optimistic perhaps, looking at the horizon for possibility for improvement/change. I've completed one cycle of life and am ready to move onto the next. Can possibly help others with their own transitions and making bigger plans / holistic plans for the future.
3. What limits do you feel as you start this course?
Queen of Wands: perhaps need to better harness some of this energy- it may be blocked. Need to take on some of these qualities: self-possession, knowing herself, proud of her work and where she is, not insecure. Trust my readings and the ability to intuit what the cards are communicating. Don't need to second-guess or doubt myself always.
4.What key lesson can you learn on your developmental journey with tarot?
Knight of Pentacles: Discover what commitment looks like in practice. Develop stamina for the long haul. Get excited about projects but learn to see them through in a more diligent, dedicated fashion. Need to be less stubborn, fixed in ways.
5. How can you be open to learning and developing on this journey?
Knight of Knives (Swords): How to say what I mean without being blunt or tactless. How to share ideas that are informed without shouting over others. Maybe too not being hung up on the past but keep it moving towards the future. Cutting to the truth of the matter - as a reader for myself or others.
6. What is the potential outcome of your tarot journey?
7 of Knives: confronting dishonesty- self deception, or deception of others in my life, or in the life of people I read for. Learning to face head-on what I've been hiding from myself / Help others to confront dishonesty and be true to themselves. Lone Wolf card: help myself and others learn when to cut and run in order to grow (rather than to avoid conflict or to escape).
Choose 1 card and keep it with you: The World
I am The World. I am aware of so many possibilities on the horizon. I am awake and seeing all that is around me. I am at peace, and fulfilled. I am complete within myself.