The Assens-Flournoy Pyramid Spread Q: What is going on with my relationship? 0: X Wheel of Fortune It feels circular, indeterminate. We keep ending up where we started. What is still unresolved? 10: III The Empress I want to be seen as special / I want to be special or adored as one. I also believe I have the power to change the situation if I can just control my heart and model a different way of being. But it's not working. What do I need to do instead? 3: VII The Chariot Go my own way- on my own path. I have new places to go and other paths to forge. I am a badass bitch and can't be held back any more! What keeps me here then? 7: I The Magician A belief in transformation, in things somehow magically changing? What do I really want? 1: II The High Priestess Knowledge of myself. Mastery of my logic and emotions, somehow. A better understanding of how to integrate my personal life with my work life, even if this balance with this person doesn't serve ...