
Showing posts from January, 2021

Full Moon in Leo

Full Moon in Leo Spread  What are you ready to leave behind? Two of Cups  Welp. :/ Where are you ready to shine? Ten of Cups Synthesis of romantic/intimate relationships, work and other fulfillment in balance. Not having one cup be regularly empty. What energy am I stepping into? Six of Cups Generosity, giving and receiving.   

Portal Week 1

0: The Fool, Taking the Risk We are in Fool energy right now. - not just when you pull a card, but we can see the energy of the cards at different times.  What does it mean to embrace something new, what is blocking that as well?  We are in a time of limitless possibility -- Week 2 1: The Magician, Stepping Into Your Power Holding that wand can also be scary, we give our power away to others. What does it mean to embrace our own power?  -- Foundational Principle 1: Tarot is an invitation -- Brain chemistry 101 Negativity Bias - brains trained to notice the negative as a way of protecting us from harm. This keeps us from seeing what's good, it sends our brain on a space of contraction - that is all we can focus on (the negative). Once we get into that threatened state, that's all we can see. That's not the best state to find solutions to our problems, or find/make new neural connections in our brains.  Second arrow- self-judgment for having / succumbing to negativity ...

Birthday Cards

  IX Hermit / Nuno sa Punso  - also the same as my annual card (numerology)!  - going inward, reflection, determination and work (slow) towards a goal  - write the damn book already! Metamorphoses / New Moon - today is also a new moon in Capricorn! - this is a year of change and transformation / growth - a reminder that we are always manifesting and moving into new opportunities, places - this is a time of shedding what doesn't work and trying out new skin

2021 Annual Spread

  January: King of Swords Channel this King's energy: mastery of ideas, maybe a bit detached (be careful not to be so detached). Now is the time to set goals and a longer term vision for the year. Affirmation: I know my goal and I know what I am working towards. Each goal is just a milestone on the way to my ultimate destination. February: Six of Cups Giving/receiving love. Being open to love is good. Pleasure. Affirmation: I am now open to a partner with whom I can share the joys of love on all levels. March: Five of Pentacles (yikes) Coming in from the cold / needing shelter in material or metaphorical senses. Call in those who can help support- don't need to go through things alone. This is card of worry, things breaking apart. When you've drawn this card, you now have an opportunity to free yourself from situations by initiating necessary discussions with others or yourself. Affirmation: I am straightening out my life. [breakup?] April: Ace of Pentacles Start of a new c...